Adding Decimals and  Columns of Decimals

Entering Decimals

Up to this point, all the numbers that we have entered into our Cranmer Abacus have been integers.  The implied “decimal point” has been at the right edge of the abacus.  This means that each unit mark acts like a comma to separate each group of three digits.  However, to enter a decimal number, we will “move” the decimal point to one of the unit marks. But, how do we know which unit mark to use?



You will need to be careful that you align each number correctly. Misaligning numbers and decimal points will result in an incorrect answer to your addition problem.



Now let's look at some examples: 

Adding Decimals

You will need to be careful that you align each number correctly. Misaligning numbers and decimal points will result in an incorrect answer to your addition problem.


Now, let’s add some decimal numbers. You will use the same principles as you used in previous calculations there are some additional questions that you should ask first:


Then, you can add the digits of each of the numbers by pushing beads directly to the bar or using one or more of the counting exchanges: 4 to 5, 9 to 10, 49 to 50, and 99 to 100.


Let’s see how this works in some examples:

Adding Columns of Decimal Numbers

In this section, you will learn how to add decimal columns of decimal numbers. The same principles that you have learned before also apply to adding columns of decimal numbers. Just be sure to determine the unit mark and keep all the numbers you are adding correctly aligned with this unit mark. 


Here are some examples: 

Build Your Skill

Now you are ready to try some calculations on your own. Click on this link for some problems and their solutions to test your skill.