Getting Started
A Short History of Numbers and the Abacus
An important step to understanding the present is to study and understand the past. So, before we learn how to calculate using an abacus, I have provided a document to help you understand some basic things about numbers, different types of numbers and their history. Let's take a short trip back in time to observe how different cultures developed different types of abaci (abacuses) to help them perform their number calculations by viewing A Short History of Numbers and the Abacus.
Counting and Setting Numbers
The first step to learning to use the abacus is to learn to count, first with our fingers and then with the Cranmer or Japanese abacus (in the future, other types of abaci will be added). Then we will learn how to set (enter) and clear numbers. Click on this link, Counting and Setting Numbers to learn these basic skills.
Direct Addition
Direct addition can take place when a digit needs to added and all of the beads are available. One motion of your hand will complete the addition. Click on the link, Direct Addition, to learn this skill.
Direct Subtraction
To directly subtract a number or a digit in a number, the all the beads need to be present in the column. Click on the link, Direct Subtraction to learn this skill.