Subtracting Fractions

Double Abacus Approach

Short Course 

This is a short course (slide show) in subtracting fractions.  Just click on the carousel arrow to start the show.   


Let’s review the terminology of fractions.  In the previous chapters. We know that a fraction has at least two parts, a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number).  You will also remember that a fraction may also include a whole number. A fraction with all three parts is called a mixed fraction.  Each part has a “reserved parking space” or section:


Subtracting Fractions

In order to successfully subtract 2 fractions, we need to follow a series of steps:

These are the same steps we used to add fractions but with one major difference.  Instead of adding, we are subtracting.  

Step 1: Reduce both fractions to their simplest value

First, we need to reduce both fractions to their simplest terms. When we subtract the two fractions, the calculations will be easier when we use smaller numbers.

Step 2: Determine the Lowest Common Denominator (LCD)

Next, we need to determine to lowest common denominator. To review, we can follow this process:  

Refer to the examples in the Reducing Fractions and Lowest Common Denominator pages to refresh your skill  on reducing fractions and finding the LCD.

Step 3: Setup and convert the First Fraction

When both fractions are in their simplest form and we have determined the lowest common denominator, you are ready to set and convert the first fraction. 

This sets the first fraction. We are ready to convert it to the lowest common denominator:

The converted numerator is now set in the upper right columns of the top abacus.

Step 4: Subtract the whole number of the Second Fraction

If the second fraction has a whole number, then subtract it to the number in the whole number section.

Step 5: Setup, Convert and subtract the Second Fraction

Step 6: Reduce the Final Fraction

This is the final step.  Using the same process that you learned in Reducing Fractions page, reduce the fraction into its simplest values.  If the numerator is larger than the denominator, add 1 to the whole number and reduce the numerator by the denominator.  Continue this process until the numerator is smaller than the denominator.  This is the difference of the two fractions.


Now, let’s look at some more examples of this process. In these examples, the multiplicand will have many digits, but the multiplier will always be a single digit.  Click on the link to show the steps to calculate the answer. 

Build Your Skill

Now you are ready to try some calculations on your own. Click on problems and their solutions to test your skill.