Lowest Common Denominator

Short Course 

This is a short course (slide show) in the basic concepts of calculating the lowest common denominator.   

Finding the Lowest Common Denominator

You may have heard people say you need to compare apples to apples. You can’t compare apples to oranges. They mean that you can’t accurately compare things that aren’t the same. This is true with fractions. After you have simplified each fraction, the next step in adding or subtracting fractions is to convert them to the same denominator (apples to apples). Since most of the time whenever we add or subtract fractions they have different denominators. But how do we find this number?


There are a few ways to do this. Rather than discuss all of these techniques (some of them can be confusing), we will use a technique that straightforward and easy to understand:  



Let’s look at some examples of this technique.


Now, let’s look at some more examples of this process. In these examples, the multiplicand will have many digits, but the multiplier will always be a single digit.  Click on the link to show the steps to calculate the answer. 

Build Your Skill

Now you are ready to try some calculations on your own. Click on problems and their solutions to test your skill.