
474 divided by 177

with 3 decimal places

Many students use a Single Abacus to multiply 2 numbers using the division table. The first number (called the divisor) is entered in the left side of the abacus. The second number (the dividend) is entered in the columns to right of the first number. The result of the division (the quotient) is positioned between the divisor and dividend. Click on the link Single Abacus Division to learn the division process in detail.

474 divided by 177 = 2.677

The Double Abacus division simplifies the division process by separating the two numbers being divided to the bottom abacus. Then the result (quotient) is calculated in the top abacus from left to right. This allows for dividing larger numbers (6 digits) with larger quotients using the division table. Click on the link Double Abacus Division to walk through the each of the steps to develop your division skill using this approach.

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Division by Counting

If you have difficulty learning the division table, you can still learn to divide. This section shows you how Divide by Counting using either a Single Abacus approach or the Double Abacus approach. Click on the link, Division by Counting, to walk through the each of the steps to develop your division skill by counting.