
Image of Abacus number 2570003240000

257 times 324

Many students use a Single Abacus to multiply 2 numbers using the multiplication table.   The first number (called the multiplicand) is entered in the left side of the abacus.  The second number (the multiplier) is entered in the columns to right of the first number leaving some columns empty on the right side to begin entering the result (product).  Click on the link Single Abacus Multiplication to learn the multiplication process in detail.  

Image of top Abacus number 2570000000324 and image of bottom Abacus number 0000000083268

257   times  324  =  83,268

The Double Abacus approach  simplifies the multiplication process by separating the two numbers being multiplied to the top abacus.  Then the product is calculated in the bottom abacus from left to right.   This allows for multiplying larger numbers (6 digits) with larger products using the multiplication table.  Click on the link Double Abacus Multiplication to walk through the each of the steps  to develop your multiplication skill using this approach using addition by grouping.